Monday 28 November 2011

Weekend plus Holiday 28112011

Was so enjoyed with my weekend and holiday. Went for swimming, and happy that have learnt backstroke, happy happy=), thx to my bii who taught me this swimming stroke. After the swimming, we both enjoyed "Sushi King", our favorite salmon, hmmm, yummy=), then rest for while, we enjoy our mid night movie "You are the apple of my eye", funny and nice movie...being "complaint" for being too talkative in cinema, haha..paiseh paiseh ya...

On the day before, My dear brought me to one-u to shopping, did not buy anything but we are enjoyed our dinner as below:

                                          Kola Tonic & Grilled chicken

                                          Passion fruit juice & Italian Fish & Chips

A quick window shopping but it has delighted my day ^.^....

Monday holiday gonna end, and tomoro will be "Tuesday blue", haha... does not really like my current job as it is tiring and not something that what I really want. I hope I can slowly achieve my dreams, now should start plan for it and work it out, Gambadeh Eunice